12 Differences Between Chinese Women and American Women
Chinese women are beautiful and so are American women. Actually, all women are beautiful. However, they have totally different thoughts and behaviours due to the disparity of culture and national conditions. Below are 12 differences between Chinese women and American women. Leave comment below and let me know what is on your mind.
2. For American women first-time sex is to abandon awkwardness; For Chinese women first sex is to devote their most valuable thing in life.
12 Differences Between Chinese Women and American Women
3. In the U.S., women always want to be husband`s friend; In China, women sometimes argue irrationally with men and sometimes become a happy concubine.
4. In the U.S., having sex with men will enhance women’s happiness; In China, having sex is considered by women as a lifetime devotion.
5. American women always believe that their husband is most handsome man in the world; In eyes of Chinese women, Korean movie stars and British football players are the most handsome men on the planet.
7. American women do not deliberately ask his man to be kind to how to find asian hookup app her; In China, women will say to men: Look, how good American men treat their wife.
8. American women always feel grateful to the man who is kind to her; Chinese women think it is natural that men should be kind to them, or else they may think you are taking advantage of her.
9. In the United States, after sexual love mostly she does not know how much money is in your pocket; In China, if a woman feels that you are a pauper, she doesn’t even say “hello” to you.
10. American women will enjoy acceleration fun in your luxury BMW car; While Chinese women sitting in your BMW car will belittle Buick car on the side.
11. American women do not refuse men who try to get close to her; Chinese women think that the men who try to get close to her must have some special purpose and want to take advantage of her or behave like a hooligan. Read More